Watercolor works - People - Wuxian Wei

水彩人物 - 魏无羡

Posted by Ben on August 12, 2019

最近有一个热门电视剧 《陈情记》,根据畅销耽美小说《魔道祖师》改编。给我家的小猪猪们画了副肖像。

I drawed watercolor for my guinea pigs recently.

荷兰猪又名豚鼠,它们并不是猪,也不源自荷兰。它们源于南美安第斯山脉,5000年前经驯化,是南美原住民的牲畜和重要肉食来源。 豚鼠是由16世纪的欧洲商人带到西方的,当时人们就很喜欢这种小动物并作为宠物饲养。它们性情温顺,讨巧可爱,比较容易照顾,至今仍旧是常见的家养宠物。

The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also known as cavy or domestic cavy, is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Despite their common name, guinea pigs are not native to Guinea, nor are they biologically related to pigs, and the origin of the name is still unclear. They originated in the Andes of South America, and studies based on biochemistry and hybridization suggest they are domesticated descendants of a closely related species of cavy such as C. tschudii, and therefore do not exist naturally in the wild.

我家的宝贝们 | My dear guinea pigs

Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs


On the left is “Huihui” (means grey-grey for his grey hair), on the right is “Juanjuan” (means curly-curly for his curly hair). Both of them are male. Huihui is 2 years old an juanjuan is 1.5. Juanjuan is huihui’s son, but it grows larger than his dad. Both of them are very cute!

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